After getting my Bachlor's in Computer Science, I am now an aspiring programmer, with interests in backend and back end development. I also have knowledge
of database management and Android app development, and like to do work on those as well. I prefer to use a variety of IDEs including:
Android Studio and Eclipse for Java (my primary), Atom for C, VSC for HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python, and Workbench and MS Server for MySQL.
I've also done work in MS Access using mainly Visual Basic and SQL. I know a variety of skills such as: Prototyping, Testing, Agile Methods,
OOP/OOD, Virtualization, Task management software, and algorithmic thinking. Here, you can see some of the projects I have worked on. Some new, some old.
If you would like to have a more in depth look, please check my github here. You can also click here
to see my WordPress Inventory Database which has it's own About section.
Thank you for visiting my page! Feel free to browse by clicking on the pictures below.
This is a Math Quiz application I've been working on it using Java through Android Studio to make Additon and
Subtraction problems. It has a score system, and gives a results screen showing if you passed or failed.
This is my Inventory Database. I used SQL, VB, and Forms to create it. It stores info on food items and the people that come into
the food shelter this is meant for. It can search through the data, as well as make reports on it.